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The Lindelyst life

Mælkebøtte / løvetand – Ven eller fjende?

Dandelion - Friend or Foe?

The dandelion is a familiar visitor in my garden and where it does not bother, it is allowed to spread freely. This is because it is both my friend and my enemy.

The dandelion - my friend:

  • All parts of the dandelion can be eaten - leaves, flowers, root - and processed into, for example, dandelion syrup
  • Dandelion is an ancient medicinal plant and can be used to cleanse the body
  • Dandelion flowers can be dried and used in tea
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TOP10 blomster som en nybegynder bør dyrke i haven i 2023

TOP10 flowers that a beginner should grow in the garden in 2023

👩‍🌾 Check out my latest (and first) video on which 10 easy flowers are perfect for a beginner gardener - you can't help but succeed with them.

And if you hang on to the end of the video, I'll also walk you through how to grow them... It's super easy and requires very little effort, care and attention on your part.

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Glædeligt forår og nytårsforsæt

Happy Spring and New Year's resolutions

It never made sense to me that the New Year was 1/3 into the dark and cold winter and that we should make and begin our New Year's resolutions during the darkest, coldest, most depressing time of the year when you mostly just want to wrap up in blankets and hibernate, eat fatty foods, read books and definitely not go out in the storm and rain.
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Lindelysts nye logo og slogan...

Lindelyst's new logo and slogan...

It was time for Lindelyst to get a real logo and after much thought, trial and error I chose this simple design.

The flower, reminiscent of the small fragrant linden flowers that bloom only 2 days a year, represents the growing, the expanding, the natural and the vital. It symbolises the power of nature and the beautiful "complex simplicity" of my work.
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At skabe et blomsterparadis i en gold ørken...

Creating a flower paradise in a gold desert

When I look back at 2022, one of the things that makes me really proud is that I managed to create a little flower paradise out of a barren desert landscape.
Can you even imagine that it's the same piece of land in the photos, just a few months apart?
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Gør 2,5 tons mad Lindelyst til en succes?

Will 2.5 tonnes of food make Lindelyst a success?

In the traditional sense, Lindelyst is far from a success yet, because I certainly can't make a living selling vegetables and flower seeds... Yet. But this year I have achieved a very personal and huge milestone, which for me makes Lindelyst a huge success!
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Eventyret om den lille vejbod, der så gerne ville være ... brændeskur

The tale of the little roadside stand that so wanted to be ... a woodshed

Perhaps you remember the tale of the road stand that so wanted to be a farm shop?

The fairy tale was about the ambitious little roadside stand, which 2 years ago got its biggest wish fulfilled and was upgraded to a farm shop.
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Mit første no-dig bed...

My first no-dig garden

Let me start by saying that I am a total beginner and know almost nothing about the no-dig method, and that it was not the plan to make a no-dig bed😊 It happened a bit by chance.
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Om at dyrke naturligt...

On growing naturally...

... a foggy day, when you just want to dig in the dirt 😊

We are going to have a 100 sqm polytunnel!!!

Yes, I'm bubbling with excitement to start growing in the off-seasons and at the thought of lots of tomatoes, physalis, chillies, peppers and lots of other good stuff... But I'm afraid I'll have to curb my enthusiasm for 2022, as we simply won't make it to the start of the greenhouse season this year 😞

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hvornår er man bæredygtig?

When is one sustainable?

At Lindelyst we use the word sustainable as part of our slogan (Naturally Sustainable), but when is one really sustainable?

Recently I was confronted with the question of why we actually pack our seeds in plastic bags instead of paper bags and whether that was really very sustainable?

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Eventyret om den lille vejbod der så gerne ville være gårdbutik

The tale of the little roadside stand that wanted to be a farm shop

Once upon a time, there was a little roadside stand that had nothing to do all day long but look at the yellow fields of rape and dream about what it would be when it grew up.
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Om at skifte karriere – De svære spørgsmål

Thoughts on changing careers... the hard questions...

...a warm summer evening with birdsong above

In January 2020, my maternity leave ended and I returned to work at Danske Bank. This had been the plan all along, and the dream of Lindelyst and life under the open sky was little more than a dream and a vision of the future that might become a reality some day. It was not a career path that I was seriously considering yet.
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